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At First Response we believe in helping others, and this is shown in many ways. One of those ways is through prayer. Please follow this link to share a request, and we will share our heart and voice. You can remain totally anonymous.
Join Our Group Study
How to Talk With God: Life, Hope, and Truth.
Last Wednesday Of Each Month
12:00-1:00PM Starting in January 2023
Location First Response Building (Patrol Room)
Some Topics We Will Cover…
·How can I possibly talk with God?
·Does He know who I am?
·What do I say to Him?
·Would He even bother to listen to me?
·How do I know He hears me?
·Is there anything in my life He has any interest in?
·Does He even want me to bother Him?
to watch past bible study sessions
“Have you ever said, ‘Well, all we can do now is pray’? … When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.”
—Billy Graham